Ko4fun Quest Weapon Making, Drop and Conversion Guide

Home / Ko4fun Quest Weapon Making, Drop and Conversion Guide
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Hello Dear Ko4fun Players,

You can obtain a new quest item by using 2 change scrolls (Transfer to...).

It has been added to Atross and Riote mobs at a rate of 3%.

It is still on sale at PUS.


In my guide, I will tell you that 70 and 80 Quest items will be converted into another item.


The NPC you will perform the operation with will be Juel NPC located next to the Moradon fountain.




You need to get the paper of the type you want to change your weapon from the Quest tab opened in the Power Up Store. For example, if you want to turn your bow into a knife, you should buy knife paper.





When the Combination tab opens, put your Quest item and 1 paper of the weapon type you want and press the "Combination" button.

There is a 100% chance that your weapon will change type with the + number it is at that moment.


[Only valid for +3 and +8 items]

For example, below I changed the +7 quest bow to +7 quest dagger;




